See why so many choose Red Bank Infusion Center for their ongoing care, including Lemtrada treatments.

Lemtrada is biologic therapy that is indicated for treating

  • relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) in adults who have tried two or more other MS medications that haven’t worked well enough

Lemtrada is a therapy that blocks the action of the protein CD52, which is a protein central to the symptomatology of multiple sclerosis.

Lemtrada infusions are administered in eight doses over two years, on five consecutive days in round one and, one year later, on three consecutive days in round two of the course.

Each infusion takes about four hours with a two hour observation period directly after the treatment.

Patients choose Red Bank Infusion Center

to have their Lemtrada therapy because

Want to move to
Red Bank Infusion Center?

We make it simple and convenient for you to start your infusion care with us.

Our Mission

To improve the lives of the people we care for by re-imagining the infusion care experience.

Having a chronic illness is difficult to live with, so to have this peaceful, caring environment means more than I can describe. It has really improved my life.

— Tom, Patient 2020

Having a chronic illness is difficult to live with, so to have this peaceful, caring environment means more than I can describe. It has really improved my life.

— Tom, Patient 2020

Let's get started.

If you are interested in moving your infusion treatment to Red Bank Infusion Center, simply request an appointment, and we take care of the rest.

Let's get started.

If you are interested in moving your infusion treatment to Red Bank Infusion Center, simply request an appointment, and we take care of the rest.