For additional patient safety
Coronavirus Preparedness
Commitment to Service
Care and Safety First
As the coronavirus situation is in rapid evolution, Red Bank Infusion Center is committed to providing a safe infusion experience for patients.
We take our Covid-19 safety guidance from the U.S. CDC and have taken steps to help prevent the spread of the disease while also focusing on minimal disruption to patient care.
Our physical space in which we provide care services is designed for the unique needs of immunocompromised patients.
Our private suite layout ensures that patients always receive a private infusion room in order to minimize close contact with others.
In addition, our Maple Avenue location is situated in an individual retail space, not in a shared healthcare facility such as a hospital or a multi-occupancy provider office.
Moreover, we provide services by appointment only, and ensure our patients are shown to their infusion room immediately on arrival, thereby minimizing the risk of exposure to others that typically occurs in traditional healthcare reception areas.
Our clinical team works hard to make the entire Red Bank Infusion Center facility contamination-free and free from disease-causing microorganisms.
Patient rooms are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after every patient infusion session.
We not only cleanse the infusion chair but each shared object in the room, including iPads, blankets, the TV remote, and other items using disinfecting agents.
We also thoroughly clean our entryway, front desk, restrooms, and break room multiple times throughout the day to add to the facilities health and safety profile.
Expanded COVID Screening
Red Bank Infusion Center speaks to every patient by phone when confirming an appointment for infusion.
During the call, our team reviews the safety precautions we take to minimize the transmission of coronavirus.
We also ask additional questions about travel, family contacts, or other potential risks of exposure that might affect the patient’s health.
This is in addition to the thorough health screening we conduct on every patient prior to infusion.
Red Bank Infusion Center staff are also actively self-monitoring for symptoms with daily temperature checks before coming to Red Bank Infusion Center.
Limits on Guests
As an additional precaution, we are limiting contact with vendors, deliveries, and all non-essential staff to further minimize any small yet significant risk of exposures.
We ask patients to do the same and limit the presence of friends and family in the infusion center whenever possible.
More Protective Gear
Out of an abundance of caution, all staff will wear protective equipment inside the center, including masks and gloves for clinical staff.
Given the CDC guidance indicating that people affected with COVID-19 may spread the virus before they are symptomatic, we believe it is the right precautionary step at this time to protect both staff and patients.
Common Spaces
We continue to provide packaged, single-serving snacks and drinks for patients. However, we are not displaying those options at the snack bar.
As always, staff is happy to bring you whatever you might need.
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